

    Dear Models,

    Over the past 18 months, we have had ongoing issues with Google removing our extension from their Google Chrome store. We have been working on a solution for a while and actually launched this a few weeks ago. We didn’t notify you because we wanted to work out some bugs that come up (as it does with any new piece of software).

    Due to some recent events we are encouraging everyone to download our new piece of software, the "Lovense Browser". Developing this was not easy (and we are far from optimizing this), but it gives us more control over our software. 

    Things it will fix:

    1. 1.   The MyFreeCams bug that just popped up in the last 2 days
    2. 2.   Various bugs that popped up over the last 12 months (if you are using a very old version of the extension)
    3. 3.   Support all of Cam4’s websites.(before it didn’t work with cam4.es, cam4.fr, etc.)
    4. 4.   Auto-Updating. Anyone using Chrome and our extension is unable to get updates.Some of you are using versions that were released nearly a year ago! We have lots of new features coming out, so it’s best that you download our browsers, so we can auto-update it.

    Things to keep in mind:

    1. 1.   Our browser is based off of Chrome. It should give you the same upload speeds (actually a little better) than Chrome. If it doesn’t, there is troubleshooting below
    2. 2.   Anti-virus software doesn’t seem to be playing nice with our software. Before downloading, disable all anti-virus programs and force-quit "Windows Defender", if you have that running.

    What to do now:

    1. 1.   Remove the old Chrome extensions from your computer.
    2. 2.   Download the browser by following this guide:

    As with all new pieces of software, it's hard to guarantee that it's going to work perfectly for you. We have a short term solution if this happens to you...

    What to do if the "Lovense Browser" doesn’t work right:

    1. 1.   Take screenshots of your issue and send it to [email protected]
    2. 2.   Uninstall the "Lovense Browser"
    3. 3.   Side-load the new version of the extension so you can continue using it with Google Chrome. You can view the guide to do that here:

    If you have any issues, please send an email to [email protected]...

    Eddy Olivares
    Lovense Team

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