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Lovense Remote
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Lovense Remote

Control Link

Control links allow anyone to control your Lovense toy(s) and chat anonymously without downloading any software.

How to create a control link

1. Open Lovense Remote and connect your toy(s) to the app. Go to the Discover tab and tap "Control Link".

2. Tap "Create" at the top of the Control Link page.


3. Customize your settings for Toys, Duration, Repeat, and Description (optional) for this link. Tap "Save".



How to share a control link

1. Tap the button next to the URL to copy the control link URL and link info, then you can paste it anywhere you want.



2. Tap the share button to share the control link URL directly to other apps like Discord, Twitter, Reddit, and more.



How to use a control link

1. Once the controller opens your control link, they can start controlling your toy(s). You will get an in-app/system notification. Tap "OK" to enter the control link page.



2. After entering the control link page, you can chat anonymously. Return to the Control Link List page and tap the "+5:00" button to extend the current session.



3. You may also control the controller's toy(s) or sync your toys together if the controller opens your link with the Lovense Remote app.

How to end a control link

1. For an active/waiting single-use control link, tap the three-dot (settings) icon and choose "End" to deactivate it.



2. For an active/waiting unlimited control link, tap the three-dot (settings) icon and choose "End" to end the current session. The link will reactivate in 30 sec. To permanently delete the link, select "Delete".



3. All links will permanently expire after 30 minutes if no one visits the URL.

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Купоны не распространяются на Праздничные Подарочные Коробки, Lovense Webcam, Lovense Sex Machine, Lovense Mini Sex Machine, Gush2, Osci 3.

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Купоны не распространяются на Праздничные Подарочные Коробки, Lovense Webcam, Lovense Sex Machine, Lovense Mini Sex Machine, Gush2, Osci 3.
Дата Рождения Отменить Подтвердить Месяц День Продолжить Покупки Применить ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ! Для соблюдения правил, пожалуйста, укажите дату вашего рождения, чтобы получать наши SMS-уведомления. ru Сохранить

Купоны не распространяются на Праздничные Подарочные Коробки, Lovense Webcam, Lovense Sex Machine, Lovense Mini Sex Machine, Gush2, Osci 3.

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